joi, 11 octombrie 2012


      It is with great pleasure that we announce a new series of Chen Style Taiji Quan seminars and classes taught by Master Florin Szondi and hosted by the  Romanian Association of Traditional Chen Taiji Quan during the period of October 24 – November 11 in Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca and Alba Iulia, Romania. The whole program is structured such that both the beginners as well as the more advanced practitioners can participate, consolidate and improve their knowledge and practice whether for health purpose or instructional one.

     The first seminar will focus on learning the basic principle and elements of Chen style (QiGong - Daoyin Tuna exercises, postures and movement practice, 13 Forms routine). The second seminar will focus on the learning and consolidation of the oldest form of Chen style Taiji Quan – Lao Jia Yi Lu, the learning of the basic techniques of Tui Shou (Pushing Hands, Practice with Partner), and not lastly, the martial art applications of the Chen forms.

     The World Health Organization considers Taiji Quan to be the most efficient organized system of physical activity for maintaining and improving health. At the same time, it is also acknowledged that the origin of this system is the Chen style martial art created by Chen family in Chen Jia Gou more than three centuries ago. Today, this holistic martial art system is practiced all over the world for achieving the internal energetic harmony, improving the physical strength, mental and emotional balance and not lastly, for attaining the martial arts self-defense skills. Taiji Quan can be considered a true expression of the traditional Chinese thought process, which synthesizes the martial art, holistic and philosophical fields into one single and coherent curriculum.

     Master Florin Szondi has graduated Magna Cum Laude the Institute of Physical Education Bucharest. Since then, Prof. Szondi has accumulated more than 47 years of extensive practice and pedagogical experience in professional sport education. He is a founder member of the Romanian Federation of Martial Arts, has been awarded multiple Master of the Year titles by USA Hall of Fames, has won multiple national and international champion titles in Taiji Quan, and not lastly, has been awarded the title of Master of Sports by the Romanian Ministry of Youth and Sport.
Prof. Szondi has been recognized as the 20th generation of the Chen style Taiji Quan family. He is the disciple of Grand master Zhu Tian Cai and equally studies Chen style under the guidance of the other two representatives of the 19th generation of Chen style, Grand master Chen Zhenglei and Grand Master Chen Xiaowang.

     Due to his teaching methodology, the results achieved by his students all over the world, and not lastly, his enthusiasm and generosity, Master Florin Szondi is highly recognized internationally. All of those who had and/ or have the chance to participate in his seminars and classes discover the authentic spirit of Traditional Chen styleTaiji Quan in his art. Prof. Szondi promotes Chen style martial and holistic art as a way of life, encouraging his students towards a restless search of the essential values and free expression of oneself. Master Florin Szondi is not only an exceptional athlete but a gifted teacher who knows how to share his Taiji Quan experience warmly and without reservations. He often states that “True masters have no secrets”.

     For additional information regarding the organization and registration for these events in Bucharest, please contact Mr. Sorin Iancso at:      

Phone: +40746 057 562


For additional information regarding the organization and registration for these events in Cluj-Napoca, please contact the Romanian Association of Traditional Chen Taiji Quan  at:      

Phone: +40747 600 797. 

miercuri, 3 octombrie 2012



     Avem deosebita placere sa va anuntam ca Asociatia Romana de Taiji Quan Stilul Chen Traditional organizeaza in perioada 24 Octombrie - 11 Noiembrie in Bucuresti o serie de seminarii si clase de Taiji Quan Stilul Chen care vor fi conduse de Maestrul Florin Szondi. Structura seminariilor si claselor permite abordarea tematicilor atat de la nivelul de initiere al incepatorilor cat si de la cel de consolidare si perfectionare al celor avansati sau interesati de a deveni instructori.
     Primul seminar va avea ca tematica invatarea elementelor si principiilor de baza ale stilului Chen( exercitii QIGONG - DAOYIN TUNA, POSTURI, DEPLASARI,13 FORME CHEN - TAOLU) Cel de-al doilea seminar va cuprinde invatarea si consolidarea celei mai vechi forme(taolu) de taijiquan stil chen - LAO JIA YI LU, INVATAREA ELEMENTELOR TEHNICE DE BAZA DE TUI SHOU(exersarea cu partener)  si  APLICATII MARTIALE ALE FORMELOR CHEN.
Tin sa reamintesc faptul ca Organizatia Mondiala pentru Sanatate considera Taiji Quan-ul ca fiind cel mai eficient sistem organizat de activitate fizica folosit in vederea pastrarii si imbunatatirii sanatatii. Pe de alta parte trebuie cunoscut si faptul ca acest sistem este la origine un stil martial creat in cadrul familiei Chen in localitatea Chen Jia Gou cu mai mult de trei secole in urma.
     Astazi pretutindeni in  lume acest sistem holistic si martial este practicat cu scopul obtinerii armoniei interne energetice, puterii fizice, echilibrului emotional si mental si nu in ultimul plan al formarii deprinderilor martiale de autoaparare. Intr-un deplin inteles al cuvantului el poate fi considerat o expresie vie a gandirii traditionale chineze ce sintetizeaza intr-o programa coerenta si accesibila domeniul martial, holistic si filozofil.
     Maestrul Florin Szondi care se afla pentru a 5-a oara consecutiv in Romania este Profesor de educatie fizica, Maestru al Sporturilor, Membru Fondator al Federatiei Romane de Arte Martiale, multiplu detinator al titlurilor de Master of the Year in cadrul galelor Hall of Fame in USA, reprezinta oficial a 20-a generatie a stilului familiei Chen, multiplu campion national si international si are o experienta practica si pedagogica extensiva in domeniul sportului de performanta ce depaseste 47 de ani. El este deasemenea discipol al marelui maestru Zhu Tian Cai si studiaza stilul Chen in egala masura sub indrumarea marilor maestrii Chen Zhenglei si Chen Xiaowang reprezentand a 20-a generatie a stilului familiei Chen. Datorita metodologiei sale de predare, a rezultatelor obtinute de studentii sai, a entuziastmului si generozitatii sale Maestrul Florin Szondi se bucura de un mare prestigiu international. Toti cei care participa la clasele si seminariile conduse el pot descoperi in arta sa spiritul autentic al stilului Taiji Quan Chen traditional. El promoveaza stilul Taiji Quan ca pe um mod de viata indemnandu-si studentii spre o continua cautare a valorilor esentiale si expresivitatii libere. Maestrul Florin Szondi nu este doar un atlet de exceptie ci si un pedagog cu har ce stie sa impartaseasca cu caldura si fara rezerve din experienta sa practica. El obisnueste sa spuna ca: "adevaratii maestrii nu au secrete" 
Relatii suplimentare legate de participarea si inscrierea la aceste evenimente le puteti obtine la numarul de telefon: 0746 057 562
Pentru evenimentele asemanatoare organizate in orasul Cluj-Napoca va rog sa sunati la numarul de telefon: 0747 600 797 Asociatia Romana de Taiji Quan Stilul Chen Traditional A.R.C.T.T.

     It is with great pleasure that we announce a new series of Chen Style Taiji Quan seminars and classes taught by Master Florin Szondi and hosted by the  Romanian Association of Traditional Chen Taiji Quan during the period of October 24 – November 11 in Bucharest, Romania. The whole program is structured such that both the beginners as well as the more advanced practitioners can participate, consolidate and improve their knowledge and practice whether for health purpose or instructional one.

     The first seminar will focus on learning the basic principle and elements of Chen style (QiGong - Daoyin Tuna exercises, postures and movement practice, 13 Forms routine). The second seminar will focus on the learning and consolidation of the oldest form of Chen style Taiji Quan – Lao Jia Yi Lu, the learning of the basic techniques of Tui Shou (Pushing Hands, Practice with Partner), and not lastly, the martial art applications of the Chen forms.

     The World Health Organization considers Taiji Quan to be the most efficient organized system of physical activity for maintaining and improving health. At the same time, it is also acknowledged that the origin of this system is the Chen style martial art created by Chen family in Chen Jia Gou more than three centuries ago. Today, this holistic martial art system is practiced all over the world for achieving the internal energetic harmony, improving the physical strength, mental and emotional balance and not lastly, for attaining the martial arts self-defense skills. Taiji Quan can be considered a true expression of the traditional Chinese thought process, which synthesizes the martial art, holistic and philosophical fields into one single and coherent curriculum.

     Master Florin Szondi has graduated Magna Cum Laude the Institute of Physical Education Bucharest. Since then, Prof. Szondi has accumulated more than 47 years of extensive practice and pedagogical experience in professional sport education. He is a founder member of the Romanian Federation of Martial Arts, has been awarded multiple Master of the Year titles by USA Hall of Fames, has won multiple national and international champion titles in Taiji Quan, and not lastly, has been awarded the title of Master of Sports by the Romanian Ministry of Youth and Sport.
Prof. Szondi has been recognized as the 20th generation of the Chen style Taiji Quan family. He is the disciple of Grand master Zhu Tian Cai and equally studies Chen style under the guidance of the other two representatives of the 19th generation of Chen style, Grand master Chen Zhenglei and Grand Master Chen Xiaowang.

     Due to his teaching methodology, the results achieved by his students all over the world, and not lastly, his enthusiasm and generosity, Master Florin Szondi is highly recognized internationally. All of those who had and/ or have the chance to participate in his seminars and classes discover the authentic spirit of Traditional Chen styleTaiji Quan in his art. Prof. Szondi promotes Chen style martial and holistic art as a way of life, encouraging his students towards a restless search of the essential values and free expression of oneself. Master Florin Szondi is not only an exceptional athlete but a gifted teacher who knows how to share his Taiji Quan experience warmly and without reservations. He often states that “True masters have no secrets”.

     For additional information regarding the organization and registration for these events in Bucharest, please contact Mr. Sorin Iancso at:      

Phone: +40746 057 562


For additional information regarding the organization and registration for these events in Cluj-Napoca, please contact the Romanian Association of Traditional Chen Taiji Quan  at:      

Phone: +40747 600 797.