Martialitatea a aparut si s-a manifestat sub multiple forme inca de la inceputul civilizatiei. In functie de locurile geografice si interesele grupurilor sociale ea a capatat sensuri ce au reflectat prioritatile momentului.
Intr-un sens larg, acest concept poate fi definit prin totalitatea cailor si capacitatilor umane subordonate unui singur scop: perpetuarea vietii. Cu trecerea timpului acest reflex de adaptare guvernat la inceput de instinctul de aparare a fost transformat in exercitiu si metoda de antrenament. Oamenii acelor vremuri au avut ca model doar comportamentul animalelor si au invatat de la ele cum sa vaneze si cum sa se apere impotriva pradatorilor. Cu timpul, metodele de pregatire ale luptatorilor sau bazat pe observatia si intelegerea mecanismelor de functionare ale corpului uman. S-au creat scoli, martiale. Doar acele cai care si-au dovetit eficienta si valoarea educativa au strabatut secolele si au devenit stiluri si sisteme martiale care au imbogatit de-a lungul vremii patrimoniul cultural al intregii lumi.
Azi multi privesc si chiar practica martialitatea doar ca pe un mod mai sofisticat de a-si dovedi lor insile superioritatea si unicitatea. Metoda lor de a-si cucerii respectul prin violenta, agresivitate si intimidare, a devenit din pacate un model de exprimare, ce altereaza tot mai acut o societate aflata in cautarea identitatii. Ei incearca sa deformeze sensul profund al practici martiale raportand-ul la propriile limite de intelegere. Ei bine, aceasta optica NU are nici o legatura cu practica martialitatii ca act de cultura. De ce? pentru simplul fapt ca orice exersare, fie ea verbala sau gestica, dominata de impulsul distrugerii a ceea ce nu au creat, genereaza in planurile intime ale existentei, vibratii negative care vor afecta cronic atat rezonanta individuala cat si pe cea sociala.
Oricine va face efortul sa inteleaga ca motivatia crearii artei martiale sa nascut din necesitatea dezvoltarii armonioase a omului in totatitate si nu distrugerea lui, va putea sa descoperere adevaratele beneficii ale practicii. Adevarata practica martiala nu este mijlocita de ego si nu se realizeaza prin incatusarea sinelui si cadere morala. Din contra ea incepe odata cu reabilitaerea identitatii. Efortul martial devine el insusi arta prin insasi revelarea scopului. El se justifica numai atunci cand agresivitatea cautatorilor in nimic este inlocuita de cercetarea resurselor interioare si raportarea lor la valorile vietii. Luptatorii reali si-au asumat acest mod de a trai lasand mereu deschisa calea perfectionarii. Ei au devenit eterni prin renuntarea la lupta, la clasificari, la titluri si suprematie; s-au dedicat caii sfidand trecerea timpului prin trairea completa a fiecarei clipe.
Cand vorbim despre GONG FU[ KUNG FU] calatorim spontan spre legendarele locuri unde martialitatea a fost deopotriva practicata ca metoda de autoaparare si disciplina a desavarsiri spirituale. Imaginea maestrilor fara varsta cu capacitati fizice si mentale paranormale si locurile lor initiatice ne fascineaza si azi si ne invita la contemplarea unui tazaur de cunoastere aproape pierdut. Pentru ei Gong Fu-ul nu a avut semnificatia si nici continutul unui stil martial ci aceea a abilitatii si determinarii de a excela intr-un anume domeniu; o manifestare a capacitatii de expresie, un efort continuu de redirectionare constienta a tuturor energiilor spre modelare interioara avand ca reper existenta in totalitatea ei. Daca vom intoarce privirea spre cel ce seamana pamantul, spre fauritorul de sabii, spre scriitor, muzician, sculptor si apoi spre noi insine, vom intelege ca efortul lor si al nostru reprezinta in esenta manifestari ale aceluaias act, acela al creatiei prin autocreatie. Acesta este campul adevaratei excelente si al artei de a trai martial; este locul intrecerii cu noi insine prin contemplare, identificare si intelegere a dimensiunilor proprii; este spatiul unde prin toleranta, compasiune, inocenta si iubire vom putea trai aventura prezentului continuu sarbatorind fiecare respiratie. Acolo in atelierul propriei vieti vom ciopli clipa cu mainile goale prin constiinta inimii si daruirea de sine.
Martiality has come about and manifested itself under various forms since the beginning of civilization. Depending on the geographical location and the interests of the social groups, it has assumed various valences that reflected the priorities of those moments.
Generically, this concept can be defined as the sum of all ways and human capabilities, subordinated to a single purpose: the perpetuation of life. As time has passed, this reflex of adaptation governed initially by the self-defense instinct, has transformed itself in a method of exercise and training. The only model the people of those times had was the animals’ behavior: they learned how to hunt and protect themselves against the predators. In time, the fighters’ methods of training evolved based on the observation and understanding of the functional mechanisms of the human body. Martial arts schools have been created. Only those paths that have proven their efficiency and educational value have passed through time and become martial arts systems and styles that have enriched the mankind’s cultural heritage.
Today, martiality is seen and even practiced by many just as a more sophisticated way of proving themselves their uniqueness and superiority. This method of gaining respect through violence, aggressiveness and intimidation, has become, unfortunately, the favorite way of expression that acutely alters more and more any society looking for its identity. “They” are trying to deform the profound sense of the martial art practice by referencing it to their own limits of understanding. Well, this view has NOTHING to do with the practice of martiality as an act of culture. Why? For the simple fact that any action, whether verbal or gestural, dominated by the impulse of destroying what it has not created generates negative vibrations within the intimate plans of existence, vibrations that will chronically affect both the individual and social resonances.
Anybody will be able to discover the true benefits of practice if he/ she will make the effort to understand that the motivation behind the creation of the martial art was born from the necessity of an harmonious development of the human being in its wholeness and not from its destruction. The true martial art practice is not driven by ego and it cannot be achieved either through self restrain and moral decadence. On the opposite, the true martial art practice starts with the rehabilitation of one’s identity. The martial effort becomes art through the revelation of the final purpose. This effort becomes justified only when the aggressiveness of the seekers in nothing is replaced by the insight into one’s inner resources and their reference to the life values. True fighters have assumed this way of life by letting themselves always open towards perfection. They have become eternal by giving up the fight, ranks, titles and supremacy; they dedicated themselves to the path by living fully every instance and defying the passing of time.
When one talks about GONG FU, everybody travels spontaneously towards the legendary places where martiality has been practiced both as a method of self-defense and discipline of spiritual development. The image of ageless masters with paranormal physical and mental abilities as well as that of their spiritual places fascinate us even today and invite us to contemplate a heritage of knowledge almost lost. For them, GONG FU did not represent a martial style, but the ability and determination to excel in any discipline; it is the manifestation of the capacity of expression, a continuous effort of conscious redirection of all the energies towards the inner modeling having as reference the existence in its wholeness. If we will take a look to the land worker, swordman, writer, musician, sculptor and then towards us, this is when we will understand that both theirs and our effort represent essentially the manifestations of the same act: creation through self-creation. This is the domain of true excellence and the art of living martially; this is the place of competition with ourselves through contemplation, identification and understanding of our own dimensions; this is the space where, through tolerance, compassion, innocence and love, we could live the adventure of continuous present celebrating every breath. There, in the workshop of our own life, we could sculpt the moment with our bare hands through consciousness of heart and abnegation.